How to Get Followers on LinkedIn: 15 Interesting Tips 

A post on LinkedIn with high engagement (likes, comments, and shares).

Are you struggling to grow your LinkedIn Page and attract engaged followers? You’re not alone.

In today’s crowded digital landscape, standing out on LinkedIn can be challenging. As per a report, 96% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to promote their content and around 80% put paid funding behind advertising that content.

Your LinkedIn Page is more than just a profile – it’s your brand’s digital headquarters. When leveraged effectively, it can boost your visibility, establish thought leadership, and drive meaningful business connections.

This guide is packed with actionable strategies to help you grow your LinkedIn Page, whether you’re just starting out or looking to supercharge an established presence. We’ll cover everything from basic optimization techniques to advanced growth hacks.

First Things First: Set Up Your Page Right

Before anything else, make sure your LinkedIn Page is complete and appealing to your target audience. Pages with complete info get 30% more views. If your page clearly offers value to your target audience, visitors are more likely to hit that “Follow” button. Check out LinkedIn’s guide on optimizing your page for more details.

Easy Tips to Get Started

1. Be Easy to Find

Did you know you can optimize your LinkedIn Page for search engines? Follow LinkedIn’s guidance to make sure your page shows up in Google searches. This is a big win for drawing attention from outside LinkedIn. Also, put a “Follow” button on your website and add a link to your email signature. These simple “set it and forget it” actions make it easy for others to find and follow your page.

2. Look Good

Make it easy for people to notice you again and again. Use your brand colors, logos, and tone of voice consistently. When people see your posts in their feed, they’ll recognize you faster. After a few standout encounters with your brand, they’ll be more likely to follow your page.

3. Post Often

Keep a steady flow of fresh content on your page. This gives you more visibility in member feeds. Pages that post at least weekly see twice as much engagement, which leads to greater organic reach. More reach makes your page more appealing to potential followers. If you’re short on ideas, try using LinkedIn’s Content Suggestions feature.

4. Use Cool Visuals

Make sure your content mix includes plenty of eye-catching visuals. Unique images, and especially videos, tend to stand out more on feeds, helping your brand (and Page) get noticed. LinkedIn finds that custom image collages drive higher levels of engagement on the platform, so don’t be shy about uploading a series of photos from your latest event or another photo opportunity!

5. Share Smart Ideas

Publish thought leadership content from within your organization. Executives and decision-makers at all levels are always looking for innovative and compelling thought leadership to inspire their business strategies. The thought leadership space can be crowded, but if you produce quality content that sparks curiosity and good conversation, your ideas will stand out.

6. Talk to People

Respond to comments on your posts. While not every comment needs a reply, it’s a good idea to answer every question or thoughtful contribution. This not only helps drive higher feed visibility for your posts, but members will be more likely to follow a Page that actively engages with its community.

7. Check Your Stats

Use your Page analytics. As a Page admin, you have access to a robust set of analytics that provide demographic information about your followers and visitors, as well as engagement data for your updates. Use these insights to figure out what’s resonating and what’s not, then align your content with what your visitors want.

Level Up Your Game

Now that you’ve got the basics let’s step it up:

8. Get Your Team Involved

Your employees are your strongest allies in growing your page following. Encourage them to spread the word with friends and colleagues who are interested in what you do. When employees tag your page in updates and share the benefits of following your page with their networks, it can provide a big boost. 

Also, make sure your employees are properly linked to your page in their Work Experience. Every time they make a new connection, that person will be prompted to follow your page.

9. Ask for help

Do you have customers who love your brand? Or people in your circle who are eager to advocate for you? Let them know that increasing your LinkedIn following is a priority. See if they might be willing to help out by posting about your organization to their networks.

10. Tag thought leaders

Are there influential people in your industry or non-competing companies that you respect? By @mentioning them in your updates, you’ll have a better chance of getting in front of their network, as they’ll be able to reshare your post to their followers. Just be careful not to overdo it – this tactic can quickly become spammy if used too much.

Pro Moves for Serious Growth

Ready to go big? Try these advanced tips:

11. Team up with influencers

Co-creating content is a common practice in many influencer marketing relationships. When used on LinkedIn, this tactic can benefit both parties: the influencer gains recognition with your brand’s audience and vice versa.

12. Try Ads

LinkedIn Page growth is a popular objective for brands advertising on the platform. Run a Dynamic Ad campaign using the Follower Ad format. By tapping into LinkedIn’s powerful targeting capabilities, you can use this method to gain highly relevant followers.

13. Get Your Bosses Involved

The most prominent figures in your business serve as critical voices, and they often have large professional networks. When they frequently talk about and link to the company’s LinkedIn Page, it helps drive traffic and followers.

14. Create Showcase Pages

A Showcase Page is an affiliated extension of your company’s LinkedIn Page, designed to highlight a specific sub-brand, business unit, or initiative. Creating them, when warranted, develops multiple points of discovery and entry for your main page. 

Don’t dilute your LinkedIn presence by creating Showcase Pages for every product or different regions; it’s better to use this feature for broader (yet distinct) verticals or business lines.

15. Check Out the Competition

Competitor analysis is important in all aspects of digital marketing, and this is no different. Review what others are doing on LinkedIn, not to copy them, but to identify the white space and provide something members won’t find elsewhere.

Examples of Some Amazing LinkedIn Profiles 

Here are a few examples of excellent LinkedIn profiles:

Viveka Von Rosen

Viveka’s profile is a masterclass in how to present yourself on LinkedIn. Her summary section is client-focused, explaining why you should hire her and what benefits you’ll receive. She also promotes her eBook at the top of the summary, making it a potential lead magnet.

Laura Stack

Laura Stack’s profile stands out because of its focus on how she adds value as a keynote speaker. In her summary, she clearly differentiates herself and provides insight into how she can help clients. Her experience section outlines who she works with, giving visitors a clear idea of her target audience.

Lee Odden

Lee Odden excels in content marketing, and his LinkedIn profile reflects that expertise. He regularly publishes content on LinkedIn, which has helped him build a large following of over 35,000 people. This not only demonstrates his influence but also his knowledge in the field.

Pam Didner

Pam Didner’s profile is highlighted by a bold and clear value statement right at the top of her summary. This immediately communicates her expertise and the value she brings to the table. Her profile also incorporates strong visual branding, with a professional cover image featuring her book and a cup of coffee, which adds a personal touch.

Each of these profiles demonstrates a strong mix of clear communication, engaging visuals, and a focus on how they add value to potential clients or collaborators. These elements make their profiles compelling examples to follow.

Final Thoughts 

Growing on LinkedIn is like running a marathon, not a sprint. From what we have discussed, you lay the foundation for success in the long run. Remember, quality will always be greater than quantity; focus on nurturing the followers who genuinely relate to your brand.

This is why growth in the initial stages may be a bit slow. Be creative, try new things, measure, and optimize. Keep your audience at the heart of your strategy by creating content that adds serious value to the professional lives of your target audience.

The possibility for growth and quality connections on this platform is endless- seize it! Your success story with LinkedIn starts today. Happy networking!


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