How Long Are YouTube Shorts, and How Do You Create Them?

YouTube Shorts length and creation steps for effective short-form videos

Curious about YouTube Shorts length and how to create these bite-sized videos? You’re not alone. As the short-form video craze sweeps across social media platforms, YouTube has jumped on the bandwagon with its own offering: Shorts. These quick, engaging videos have taken the digital world by storm, leaving many content creators and businesses wondering how to leverage this new format.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of YouTube Shorts, exploring everything from their ideal duration to the best practices for creating them. So, grab your smartphone and get ready to learn – it’s time to unlock the potential of YouTube Shorts and take your content game to the next level!

How Long Can Your Shorts Be?

YouTube Shorts length can range from 15 seconds to 60 seconds in length. This flexibility allows creators to choose the duration that best fits their content. You have the option to create a single 60-second video or combine multiple 15-second clips.

However, it’s important to note that if you decide to use music from YouTube’s library in your Short, you’ll be restricted to a 15-second limit. This limitation is due to licensing agreements for the music.

Size Matters: Getting the Dimensions Right 

To ensure your Shorts look professional and display correctly, aim for a 9:16 aspect ratio with a vertical orientation. This tall, narrow format is optimized for mobile viewing, where most Shorts are watched. The ideal resolution is 1920 by 1080 pixels, which provides crisp, clear visuals. Getting these dimensions right is crucial for a good viewing experience and can affect how well your content performs on the platform.

Finding Your Sweet Spot: Optimal YouTube Shorts Length 

While YouTube allows Shorts up to 60 seconds, the best length for your content isn’t always the maximum. Most creators use more than the 15-second minimum but don’t necessarily use the full minute. The ideal length depends on several factors:

  • Your target audience: Consider their attention span and preferences.
  • Content type: Some topics need more time to explain than others.
  • Your brand’s style: Your Short length should align with your overall brand voice.
  • Video elements: Consider how long you need for intros, main content, and calls to action.
  • Whether it’s part of a series: A series might allow for shorter individual Shorts.
  • Lessons from past videos: Use analytics from your previous Shorts to inform future lengths.

To find what works best, study Shorts in your niche, experiment with different lengths and analyze your results.

Why Jump on the Shorts Bandwagon?


Shorts are experiencing explosive growth, with a 135% year-over-year increase. This rapid expansion presents a significant opportunity for creators to reach new audiences and grow their channels. As you create more Shorts, you’ll not only improve your content creation skills but also see tangible growth in your audience. The format’s popularity means that consistent, quality Shorts can lead to substantial channel growth.

Five Reasons to Love YouTube Shorts

Here some key reasons you must focus on YouTube shorts: 

  • Be a Trendsetter

The demand for short content currently exceeds the supply, creating a less saturated market compared to more established platforms. This presents a unique opportunity for creators to stand out and build a dedicated audience early in the platform’s lifecycle. Being an early adopter can give you a significant advantage in growing your channel.

  • Get Discovered

Shorts have their own dedicated feed on YouTube, separate from regular videos. This means your Shorts have a higher chance of being discovered by new viewers who might not have found your long-form content. If viewers like your Shorts, they’re more likely to subscribe to your channel and check out your other content, boosting your overall channel growth.

  • Boost Engagement and Visibility

Short-form content is easier for viewers to consume, leading to higher engagement rates. YouTube’s algorithm favors content that keeps users on the platform, so engaging Shorts can lead to increased visibility. If your Shorts perform well, the algorithm is likely to show them to more people, expanding your reach organically.

  • Quick and Easy to Create

Unlike long-form videos that can take hours or days to produce, Shorts can be created quickly. This allows for more frequent posting and experimentation with different types of content. Tools like Riverside’s Magic Clips feature make the creation process even simpler, allowing you to produce high-quality Shorts efficiently.

  • Share Far and Wide

YouTube’s widespread popularity and compatibility with other platforms make it easy to share your Shorts across various social media channels and websites. This cross-platform potential can drive more traffic to your YouTube channel, increasing your overall online presence and reach.

Remember, success with Shorts comes from consistent experimentation and creation. Keep producing content, learn from your analytics, and adapt your strategy as you grow your audience. With patience and persistence, YouTube Shorts can become a powerful tool in your content creation arsenal.

How to Make YouTube Shorts? Best Practices 

1. Hook Your Audience Instantly

In the fast-paced world of YouTube Shorts, capturing attention immediately is crucial. You have mere seconds to convince viewers to keep watching, so make those first moments count. Here’s how:

  • Start with a provocative question that piques your curiosity
  • Use a surprising statistic or fact that relates to your content
  • Begin with an eye-catching visual or unexpected action
  • Tease the valuable information or entertainment you’re about to provide

Remember, many viewers decide whether to keep watching or scroll past in the first 3 seconds. Your opening should be so compelling that viewers can’t help but stick around to see what comes next.

2. Keep It Concise and Focused

While YouTube Shorts can be up to 60 seconds long, brevity and focus are key to success. Here’s why and how:

  • Choose a single, clear topic or message for each Short
  • Strip away any unnecessary information or filler content
  • Use concise language and visuals that get straight to the point
  • If your topic is complex, consider breaking it into a series of Shorts
  • Practice explaining your concept in the simplest terms possible

By keeping your content focused, you ensure that viewers can easily grasp and remember your message, even in such a short format.

3. Leverage Trending Audio and Music

Audio plays a crucial role in the success of Shorts. Using trending sounds can significantly boost your visibility:

  • Regularly check the YouTube Shorts audio library for popular tracks
  • Pay attention to sounds used in viral Shorts and consider how you might use them
  • Ensure the audio complements your content rather than distracting it
  • If using popular songs, try to match your visual content to the rhythm or lyrics
  • Don’t be afraid to put your own spin on trending audio

Remember, while trending audio can help discoverability, your content should still stand on its own merits.

4. Optimize for Vertical Viewing

Shorts are designed for vertical viewing on mobile devices, so your content should be too:

  • Always shoot in portrait mode (9:16 aspect ratio)
  • Compose your shots with vertical framing in mind – use the full height of the frame
  • Place important visual elements in the center of the frame
  • If using text or graphics, ensure they’re easily readable on a small, vertical screen
  • Consider the “thumb zone” – keep important elements within easy reach for mobile users

By optimizing for vertical viewing, you create a seamless, enjoyable experience for your audience, encouraging them to watch more of your content.

5. End with a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Don’t let your viewers finish your Short without knowing what to do next:

  • Be specific in your CTA – tell viewers exactly what you want them to do
  • Keep it simple – ask for one action, not multiple
  • Make it relevant to the content they’ve just watched
  • Use on-screen text or graphics to reinforce your verbal CTA
  • If you’re creating a series, tease the next Short to keep viewers coming back

A strong CTA increases engagement on your current Short and can drive traffic to your other content and grow your subscriber base.


As we’ve explored, understanding and optimizing YouTube Shorts length is crucial for creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. Whether you opt for a quick 15-second burst or stretch to the full 60-second limit, the key is to make every second count.

Remember, the ideal YouTube Shorts length isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It depends on your content, audience, and goals. Experiment with different durations to find what works best for you. 

Whether you’re creating educational content, entertainment, or promotional material, the right length combined with compelling content can help your Shorts stand out in the crowded digital landscape.

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